Bradley Allen Waugh Representative Experience

Mr. Al-Hoshan’s experience includes representing:

  • Tellurian in the ongoing development and financing of the Driftwood LNG project
  • NextDecade in the ongoing development and financing of the Rio Grande LNG project (Americas Deal of the Year 2023 by Project Finance International)
  • Freeport LNG in each of its equity and debt financings and refinancings in respect of its three-train natural gas liquefaction and LNG export facility, with aggregate proceeds to date exceeding US$38 billion (North America Refinancing Oil & Gas Deal of the Year by IJGlobal)*
  • The lead arrangers on the US$574 million project financing of a world-scale hydrogen and nitrogen based ammonia plant in Texas City, Texas developed by Gulf Coast Ammonia LLC and having a production capacity of approximately 1.3 million tons per annum*
  • Global Infrastructure Partners in its US$1.825 billion acquisition of Medallion Gathering & Processing, the owner of the largest, privately held crude oil transportation system in the Midland Basin of West Texas, and the related stapled debt financing and later refinancing provided by Jefferies*
  • Calpine Corporation in connection with financing and refinancing a number of its conventional power and geothermal projects, including the 2021 US$1.75 billion term loan A financing of Calpine’s Geysers geothermal portfolio in California*
  • GenOn in connection with financing a number of its power projects in the term loan A and term loan B markets, including the Heritage portfolio financing, the Bowline financing, the Ormond Beach and Ellwood financing, and the Lanyard financing*
  • JERA in the term loan B refinancing of its Linden power project in New Jersey*
  • Saudi Refining, a subsidiary of Saudi Arabian Oil Company, in the discontinuation of Motiva Enterprises and the division of Motiva’s assets, liabilities, and businesses between SRI and affiliates of its joint venture partner, Royal Dutch Shell PL*

*Matters handled prior to joining Latham